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The research skills of the students who study Final Work Seminar in the Bachelor's Degree in Education: Escritura académica


This article arises as a result of an exploratory study whose purpose was to know the use of didactic tools and technological resources that students use when arriving at the instance of the Final Seminar, understanding that these are part of the development of the research skills that are needed to successfully achieve the elaboration of a product that we call an intervention plan or scientific manuscript. The findings presented here are the partial result of mixed-approach research. To conclude, the relevance of empirical work is highlighted, since it offers evidence of the limitations that students present in relation to academic writing, its syntax, writing and coherence as well as the application of APA standards in bibliographic citations throughout the production. The scarce or no search for antecedents reveals the absence of teacher training in the research field. The elaboration of the activity plan comes from the experience of their own practices and not from a design based on the bibliographic contributions of the new didactic strategies or the application of technological resources for motivating and innovative learning situations.


Academic writing, Higher education, Research competences

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