Training by competences: from teaching practice to pedagogical practice at university
Competency training requires the transition from teaching practice focused on transmission teaching towards a pedagogical practice focused on learning that develops skills to learn to learn and solve problems in real contexts. In order to identify the representative and essential elements that make the integration of pedagogical practice in competence-based training feasible, an empirical investigation was carried out using a qualitative methodology, the hermeneutic-dialectical method, case studies, dialogue, the interview and the documentary review. The meaning of pedagogical practice, its requirements and possibilities of incorporation in th daily educational activity were analyzed, according to the perception of 147 professors belonging to a private Venezuelan university. The findings yielded a positive assessment of the competency approach. However, pedagogical practice is complex because it implies a significant change that raises the level of demand and brings new perspectives of action and commitment to the teacher. To make it feasible, continuous training, teamwork, orientation to the student about their role and accompaniment to the teacher are essential.
Competency traning, Pedagogical pactice, Teaching practice, Innovation, Curricular models