Educational content server in public educational institutions in Paraguay
Background: Information and communication technologies have become an indispensable tool within educational practice, both in the pedagogical and administrative aspects. The Ministry of Education and Sciences of Paraguay is interested in the pertinent and safe use of technologies. For this reason, plans have been initiated for the technological adequacy in the different institutions that comprise the General Basic Education (GBE) of 9 years of study divided into 3 cycles: GBE I: 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of schooling . GBE II: 4th, 5th and 6th year of schooling. GBE III: 7th, 8th and 9th and the middle education that comprises the different bachelor degrees, both scientific and technical throughout the country. Aims: This work reports the experience of using disruptive technology for pedagogical support in the process of teaching and learning. Reports the experience of using the pedagogical content server as an alternative to access digitized educational content without the need to connect to the Internet.
Server, Technology, Education
Author Biography
Nohelia María Dolores Ríos García
· Ingeniera Informática por la Universidad Católica Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción
· Especialista en didáctica universitaria
· Especialista en TICs con énfasis en Ingeniería del Software
· Diplomado en Innovación y Empresa
· Diplomado en cátedra de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
· Magister en TICs con énfasis en Ingeniería del Software
· Actualmente me desempeño como consultora dentro de la Agenda Digital de Paraguay y como docente universitaria