Construction of a digital learning ecosystem during 2020 at the Robotics School of Misiones, Argentina
The social, preventive and obligatory isolation decreed in Argentina as a result of the pandemic generated by COVID-19 has generated an immediate and uneven response in school institutions. This research, carried out at the Misiones Robotics School, which belongs to the nonformal education system, analyzes the design and didactic development of classes in thiscontext. It analyzes the didactic design of classes in the context of forced virtuality, the didacticstrategies that are applied and the educational platforms used in this context. A qualitative methodology is used, with a case analysis design and using digital ethnography tools suitablefor this situation. In order to obtain the necessary information, virtual interviews were carriedout with teachers of the institution, analysis of the educational platforms used, class designs,self-administered online questionnaires and non-participating observation of classes transmitted live. The results allowed to identify the way in which the learning process is beingcontinued, the interaction that takes place between different programs, applications and platforms for teaching related to robotics, programming and engineering contents. Thepossibility of generating a digital learning ecosystem from the empirical is raised.
Didactic desing, Virtual classes, Educational plataforms, Teaching strategies, Digital etnography